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PSHE and Relationship and Health Education

All primary schools are required to teach Relationships and Health Education (RHE). Schools are required to have a policy, published on their website, setting out how they intend to approach this subject. We have been asked to consult with parents on our policy.

At Long Marston School we are reviewing our policy and have made some proposed changes. In particular, we feel that children need to learn about periods in Year 4 (currently this is taught in Year 5 which, for some, is too late). We have also chosen to include some information about IVF when we discuss conception in Year 6. We have chosen to teach these areas through a scheme of work called 'Jigsaw', with some additional resources from the school nursing team and BBC online. 

The content that we are teaching, especially with regard to puberty and human reproduction has changed and is mapped out in the documents on our website for you to see. 

Thank you for your feedback on our consultation, which has now closed, regarding how we teach Relationships and Health Education. 


Scheme of Work for Personal, Social and Health Education plus Relationship and Health Education (including Sex Ed.)